Wistia Email Templates

I developed these email templates for Wistia to simplify the process of making new emails. I worked with the marketing and engineering teams to understand their needs and constraints, and then determined what types of components would work best for various types of content. I also worked closely with Amy Guan, a product designer at Wistia who coded this project, to ensure the feasibility of a template that was both customizable and responsive.

The goal of any template project is to fit a breadth of content and still look nice. In this case, I designed two features to ensure flexibility for our marketers while still ensuring the email would look good while featuring several types of content. These features were: a simple toggle that would allow marketers to change template colors easily to provide more options for visual variation between emails, and different link or CTA sections that can be easily swapped in or out to define hierarchy depending on the type of content sharing.

Example customizations and visual flexibility.

Example customizations and visual flexibility.




Assorted Illustrations


Postscript Instagram Templates